This section will cover the following Topics:
Setting Up OPS Auto Crop
Auto Cropping Instructions
Auto Cropping Tools
Multiple Crop Examples
1. Setting Up OPS Auto Crop
After Posting your images to your OPS Project, go to Subjects > Subject Actions > and then click on the Auto Crop Images line in the drop-down window. (Note: Auto Crop can be applied at any time, does not matter how long your project has been posted online.)
2. Auto Cropping Instructions
Enable Auto Crop For This Project
Set up a crop and the system will automatically set that crop on all images based on the subject's head position.
- - First select a suitable master image. One that represents an average face location.
- - Enable the additional crops (2,3) if desired (You can add additional crops later, but you will need to re- check everything after).
- - In the master image box(s), adjust the crop(s) to your liking.
- - Click "Apply to All".
- Scan through the images and check for accuracy and correct any face detection errors. Adjust head detection error corrections by dragging the red face reticle (upside down “T”) to the desired location (align with center of nose and forehead). The crop(s) for the image will follow the reticle position.
3. Auto Cropping Tools
Auto crop offers a full set of tools below each of your images so you can make any image your Master Image, identify the file name and subject you are working on and the ability to Clear the Cropping of any image. The second set of tools below are Keyboard Shortcuts which allow you to move the images left or right individually using the “B” & “N” keys on your Keyboard to jump an entire page set left or right using the “V” & “M” keys.
Limitations: This feature is intended for schoolwork where all shots are vertical and of similar zoom/head-size. This option only works for vertical individual images. No horizontal, group or layout creator images will be cropped. If using image tags, only "Crop 1" of an image will be tag-able. Crops are constrained to .8 aspect ratio. This feature is not recommended for non-school work.
Hint: Use F11 to toggle full screen mode. Use V, B N, and M keys to scroll images right and left. Use Ctrl-f to search for name or file name. Everything on this page auto-saves.
4. Multiple Crop Examples
Below are examples of the consumer view of a single image auto cropped and posted as three different sizes. OPS also supports Multiple Poses and Background Packages; samples of both options can be seen below.
Sample Images of the same subject image cropped as 3/4, Head & Chest and Head and Shoulders with different backgrounds.
Samples of a Multiple Pose Package and how to order it by clicking and dragging both images and backgrounds into the package’s various print sizes.
Contact your ACI Studio Consultant or Customer Service for more info on how to offer Multipose and Backgrounds to your clients with OPS.
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