You have individual images assigned but now need to upload group images to each subject.
Download the data that is currently in the project. This includes the Password for each subject. Download that csv by going to Subjects > Subject Actions > QR Codes / Barcodes
Next screen … under Formats select Download CSV
The CSV file will download and be in your Downloads folder. It will include all the data you’ve imported including Password. You’ll see some field have no data. Those along with qrcode and url can be deleted.
This is what you end up with after deleting those fields. Then, add a field named ‘Group Image’.
Enter the file name you will use when naming your group images. In this case, I made it easy and named each after the teamname and added the extension .jpg Remember, you’ll have to name those group image files the exact same way they are in this csv file for the import to work.
Here’s the final csv before uploading back into OrderPix.
Now, you are going to Merge this csv into the OrderPix project importing only the Group Image field and the corresponding images. Do this at Subjects > Subject Actions > Add / Merge Subject Data and Images
Choose Step 1. Upload CSV > Upload Data CSV window appears where you will choose the csv that your merging > Upload file
The Map window will appear. It is IMPORTANT that this is handled correctly!! The only columns (data) that need to be mapped are password and Group Image. All other fields are to be ‘unmapped’. Un-map them by using the pull down choosing the white blank at the top of the list.
The final mapping will look like this. Only map password and Group Image.
NOTE: password uniquely is the identity of for subject. All of the other data (first name, last name, coach, teamname) has already been uploaded and is in place. You don’t need to upload that data again. Password guides the Group Image data to each subject and creates a placeholder there for when you upload the group image files in the next step.
Once the csv is uploaded, OrderPix will prompt you to upload your group images.
Choose your group images via the Select Image Files to Upload button …
Upload the group images.
Groups are now uploaded and matched to each individual.
NOTE: If you have more than one group image that is to be uploaded to subjects, simply add the additional groups in the csv within the subject’s Group Image cell … each separated by a semi-colon with no spaces.
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