This section will cover the following Topics:
- Getting Started
How to Re-assign a Mis-Matched Subject's Image to the Correct Data.
Checking the Edited File Names so they Match your Subject Data
Getting Started
Occasionally subject images and data can end up mismatched when posting your images and data to OSP. While there are several reasons why an image can be miss assigned, there is a quick and easy solution to correct the problem if does happen. The instructions below will guide you through reassigning a mismatched image to the correct subject data.
How to Reassign a Mis-matched Subject's Image to the Correct Data
In the image below, Evelyn Palino has two different images assigned to her subject line and Chelsey Onhuela does not have an image assign to her subject data. One of the images needs to be reassigned to the correct Subject Data.
The first image on the right of the subject data line probably belongs to Evelyn because the image sequence runs right to left. The next image in the line more than likely belongs to Chelsey because that's the only Subject line that's missing an image. Of course, it would be very helpful if you knew the subject and could identify them visually. If you are not sure which image belongs to the subject line(s), we recommend you contact the school to double check before reassigning any images.
Click on the Edit link at the end of one of the Subject Data lines to open the Edit Subject Information window.
Your Edit Subject Information window opens............
Next To Open your Edit Image Window, Click on the Subject's Thumbnail Image (#1) at the bottom of the Information window, your (#2) Edit Window will open.
Now navigate down to the Re-Assign Image To: window and click on the Drop-Down Arrow. Locate the correct name of the subject you need to re-assign and Click on it to select the name. (note: Names are listed Alphabetically by First Name)
Check the Edited File Names so they Match the Edit Window's First and Last Name
Important Note! It's critical that the First and Last Name in the Edit Image Window matches the First and Last Name in the Re-Assign Image Window. If they don't match, you should correct (edit) the First and Last Name in the Edit Image Window, so they match.
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